June theme day
When I fall a sleep in my living room and wake up and get up this is what I see...and today is began the new month,June...Oupps! JUNE!! the theme day! Should be the view from my bedroom...Sorry :o( ...well,let's check the view from there then...
"Happy New Month to everyone and all the best for your daily life in June"
And let's sneak to the other bedroom which listed below...
Seattle (WA), USA - Manila, Philippines - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Toruń, Poland - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Seoul, Korea - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Vantaa, Finland - Madison (WI), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - Cleveland (OH), USA - Chicago (IL), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Omaha (NE), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Stockholm, Sweden - Grenoble, France - Lubbock (TX), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Arradon, France - Hyde, UK - Joplin (MO), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Kansas City (MO), USA - Naples (FL), USA - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Manila, Philippines - Sydney, Australia - Stavanger, Norway - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - London, UK - Chandler (AZ), USA - Nelson, New Zealand - Singapore, Singapore - Hamburg, Germany - Sydney, Australia - Tenerife, Spain - Moscow, Russia - Lyon, France - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Villigen, Switzerland - Anderson (SC), USA - Oslo, Norway - Evry, France - Hayle, UK - Mumbai, India - Kitakami, Japan - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Los Angeles (CA), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - La Antigua, Guatemala - Paderborn, Germany - San Diego (CA), USA - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - Madrid, Spain - Lyon, France - Selma (AL), USA - Shanghai, China - Baziège, France - Cologne (NRW), Germany - North Bay (ON), Canada - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Stayton (OR), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Austin (TX), USA - Hong Kong, China - Trier, Germany - Joensuu, Finland - Paris, France - Greenville (SC), USA - Wailea (HI), USA - Budapest, Hungary - Cork, Ireland - Bastia, France - Vancouver, Canada - Brookville (OH), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Mainz, Germany - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Zurich, Switzerland - Torino, Italy - Montréal (QC), Canada
That is pretty nice. Looking out on the tree.
Wouldn't it be different if you woke up in my house and looked out the bedroom window? My site shows what you would see.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
My Photography
That's not bad. Maybe you get to see a bird or an animal once in awhile.
Two very different views, which do you like best? action or peace.
Love the contrast between front and back!
Nice views, both from your bedroom and the other.
happy theme day to you too!
Yes, like other have said, nice contrast between front and back, always something interesting to see. :-)
I came this morning but i was too early! So, now I know the view on your garden. I wish you a nice day in Cologne, Beetle.
Nice view. Do you see any wildlife-birds at any time?
je prefere la vue avec l'arbre ;o)
I prefer the sight with the tree ;O)
I prefer the garden photo too.
Wait, you have a HUGE busy cross street in front, and a nice quiet shady backyard? Wow! What a huge change in scenery!
Gosh! Thought you were sleeping rough in a car park!
I like trees, and you have this view from your bedroom. How lucky you are :)
Thanks for looking through my window with me.
looking out on greenery is so relaxing, I like this view alot.
Well, if you are sleeping in living room for that day, it is the bedroom for the day.
Two excellently captured shots. The views and the framing is very beautiful & on another note, June is also my birth month.
Greeaat Idea !!!!!
I love the contrast between the two (front and back) :-)
Whata great tree, I love trees. Any idea how old?
lavenderlady,I've no idea how old but the house is from year 1948.It's already there when we moved in
Kalyan,Congratulation! it's your month,hope will brings you something best this time of year
Thank you all that you all enjoyed seeing over my window of front and back. I love more the back as I love to have unexpected cute visitors often in the morning :o)
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